The CSR 100 certification recognizes the good management of companies and identifies the social and environmental impacts generated by the company's activity, including the respective actions necessary to focus on continuous improvement.
With the CSR 100 standard, at ADOK we have created our own scheme for managing Corporate Social Responsibility.
This standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement, maintain and improve a sustainability and social responsibility management system, while ensuring compliance with the social responsibility policy, the code of conduct, the objectives and requirements established, related to stakeholders.
Advantages of implementing CSR 100
- It improves the reputation of the company, since it shows the commitment to society and the environment.
- Increases the competitive advantage over other companies that do not have the Social Responsibility certification.
- It promotes the commitment and involvement of the company's workers, which has repercussions on their greater productivity.
- It allows the establishment of behavioral guidelines for better performance in terms of sustainability.
ADOK Certification:
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